The ExCo Committee

Committee Members

Lars Dreith (he/him/his)

Coloradan, math major, pursuer of many things. Catch him repeatedly making futile attempts to explain technical computer things to his friends.

Aspiring brass player.

Email: [email protected]

Marah Ajilat (she/her/hers)

Hi there! My name is Marah, and I second-year politics major from Jordan. This is my third semester on the committee so I am super excited to work alongside my fellow committee members to make ExCo bigger and better! 

Not a brass player.

Email: [email protected]

Emily Spezia-Shwiff (she/her/hers)

Emily is a second-year Musical Studies and History major. When she is not responding to ExCo emails, you will find her with the Oberlin College Marching Band, in the Con Library, practicing piano, or talking about Percy Jackson.

Brass player.

Email: [email protected]

Serena Zets (she/her/hers)

Serena is a first-year student interested in Politics, Sociology, and Comparative American Studies. When she’s not doing ExCo Committee duties, she can be found taking pictures of Oberlin’s sunsets or shopping for even more laptop stickers.

Not a brass player.

Email: [email protected]

Alex Jensen (he/him/his)

Alex is a second year Mathematics and Computer Science major. You can find him in his natural habitat performing with Oberlin Steel or the Arts & Sciences Orchestra, playing club soccer, living in Mudd, or wandering aimlessly around campus

Brass player.

Email: [email protected]

The ExCo Department is the only student-run, for-credit Experimental College in the country, and is maintained and overseen by a group of Oberlin students called the ExCo Committee. The ExCo Committee is made up of 4-6 current Oberlin students, one of whom serves as the Chair of the Committee.

Members of the Committee perform a variety of functions to maintain the ExCo Program, including reviewing course applications and interviewing potential instructors; planning and hosting the ExCo Fair; allocating SFC funds to instructors; working with administration to affect policy; and helping instructors brainstorm any problems that might arise throughout the semester.

The ExCo Committee also makes itself available to all students and community members taking an ExCo course. Anyone with questions or concerns regarding their ExCo may always meet with a member of the Committee to address their course and brainstorm potential solutions.

The Committee meets once a week on Sunday afternoons, and each member holds an additional two hours of “office hours” throughout the week. If you would like to meet with a member of the ExCo Committee, feel free to drop by during our office hours (please note that some hours are listed as “by appointment only,” which means you should email us at least 24 hours in advance).