Past ExCo Committee Members

Gone but never forgotten…


Anna (she/her/hers) was a religion major and graduated in Spring of 2015. She likes knitting and crocheting, dancing, and cats. She worked as our Presto person/liaison to the registrar and social media coordinator. Anna is currently at grad school for library science and misses the committee dearly.



Sara (she/her/hers) graduated Oberlin Fall of 2015. She was a neuro-turned-bio major, with an interest in sailing, glassblowing, throwing things, science and adventures. She had a strong dislike of sitting still, food that looks good but isn’t, and when someone’s looking for a song and keeps only playing the first second of a ton of songs. She requests that you never do that. As far as ExCo went, Sara enjoyed consulting on classes that didn’t fit our curriculum format, classes that were just starting, or basically anything else. Sara was also responsible for much of our policy, and you can track her down if you have any problems with it.



Emily (she/her/hers) graduated from Oberlin in Spring 2016, and was a Computer Science major originally hailing from Franklin, Tennessee. Emily joined the committee in Fall of 2013, and worked on improving the efficiency and organization of the ExCo system, specifically focussing on how to make the application process, teaching process, and website smoother. Outside of ExCo, she tutored in the computer science labs, was a tutee in the pottery co-op, took secondary lessons on marimba, and taught herself 3D animation. All remaining free time was sacrificed in equal parts to Netflix marathons, League of Legends, and Pinterest recipes. Emily is currently working toward grad school, and in the meantime continues to be boss at League of Legends.



Tanya (she/hers or they/them) hails from Bangkok Thailand, and graduated from Oberlin in 2017 with a degree in Comparative American Studies, and triple minors in Politics, GSFS, and English. On ExCo Committee, Tanya worked as Presto liaison, community outreach, institutional memory, and aesthetic curator. Outside of ExCo, Tanya spent their time crocheting scrap blankets and friendship scarves, queering heteronormative coloring books, making gourmet bagels, and collecting blazers and hideous sweaters. Tanya aspires to someday own two cats named Gin and Tonic.



EJ (he/him/his) graduated from Oberlin in 2017, with a degree in politics. On the ExCo Committee, EJ worked to optimize the instructor interview process, as well as serving as our treasurer. Outside of ExCo, EJ was captain of the Oberlin cross country team, spent a semester studying abroad in Jordan, and thoroughly enjoyed time dedicated to Chiptole, Netflix, and long naps.



Zane (he/him/his) grew up in Bellingham, WA but lives in Northampton, MA now. Zane is a politics major who might be interested in other things as well. He enjoys running and biking and being outside. He also likes cooking and eating food. Zane has served on the Committee for five semesters, and is currently spending his 6th semester studying in New York City. While on the ExCo Committee, Zane acted as treasurer and spent a lot of time working on institutional memory. Zane’s order from The Local would be a double toasted sesame bagel with cream cheese on one side, pesto on the other, and a tomato in the middle (so that the cream cheese and pesto don’t mix).



Juan (he/him/his) is a third year from Chicago studying Biology and French. He dedicated four semesters to ExCo and helped with Presto, public image, and communications. Juan loves Selena (Quintanilla) and singing alone in his room. Make a Naruto joke or buy him an iced coffee if you want to be his friend.